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. 单项选择题(10题,每小题1分,共10)

1. We now face an embarrassing______: should we stay or go?

A. circumstance  B. expectation  C. arguing  D.dilemma

2. ______ a child and you well find that he is happy every day in whatever he does.

A. Observe   B.To observe   C.Observed    D.Observing

3. Bob’s very______.He does all the add jobs around the house.

A. practical   B.clever   C.cautious   D.careless

4. This is a binding contract______we recommended that you review it with a lawyer.

A. Furthermore   B. Meanwhile   C. Therefore   D. careless

5. We thought that_____we were in the area.we’d stop by and visit them.

A. Where        B.since        C.unless       D.until

6. ——Jenny took the 8:00 bus to Beijing this morning.

 ——Really?She______the 9:00 train.It’s more comfortable and safer to travel by train.

A. Could take    B.must take    C.could have taken    D.must have taken

7. It has long been recognized, that cultural variables influence the way children understand the world present themselves, and ______ experiences.

A. interpret     B. reproduce     C. create     D. Explain

8. Every culture has its own body language ,and one absorbs its meaning along with _____ language.

A. Literal      B. hand       C. signal     D. spoken

9. Beng a boy’s book specially written for adults, ______is Mark Twain’s most representative Work ,describing a journey doum the Mississippi undertaken by Huck and Jim.

A. Innocent Abroad         B. Adventurer of Huckleberry Finn

C. life on the Mississippi     D. Then gilded Age

10. “If winter comes ,can Spring be far behind ?” is an epigrammatic line by ______.

A. J.Keats   B. W.Wordsworth  C. W. Blake   D. P.Shelleyan




Being aloud and silent reading are two different types of reading practice,Each has a function in the teaching of reading and should not be  11 by the other ,However ,We need to be aware when We should use them .

When we  12  teaching reading or developing reading skills,We are mostly referring to Silent reading To develop   13  readers in a foreign languagesilent reading activities must be given enough  14  and tine in class with the proper gardance from the  15  .

Reading alound has its particular  16  for our students who are leaning English as a foreign language .  17  can help them acquire good pronunciation and intonation  18  them with new works and the stress patterns of Enlish help  19   their Confidence in speaking the language Thereforeopprtunitise should be  20  for students to read reading aloud in class. The suggestion is that we should ask our students to read aloud only after comperhension .Reading alould _ 21 _comperhension can be very 22  and it Can easily destroy their self-confidenceWith  23  readingit sets up a poor feading model for other sthdents as well.

It is  24  that we first help students learn the text through  25  reading activities .and the with Comrehension we give our students practice by using an audie tape to  26  a good moded for practicing reading alound .With adequate  27 We may ask the students to read aloud to the whole class to  28  their motivation and confidenceBy asking the students to read aloudit is also a good Chance for the teacher to get  29  on the students’ Comprehension as we can notice  30  there are wrong pauses or mispronounced words which indicate possible difficules or misunderstanding of the text.

11. A. eserided   B .provided     C. explained    D. replaced

12. A.work out   B.run into      C.talk about     D.take on

13. A.proficient  B.enjoyable     C.considerate    D.straightforward

14. A.money    B.attention     C.sacifice       D.burden

15. A.college   B.teacher       C.heamaster     D.actor

16. A.value    B.purpose       C.benefit        D.goods

17. A.As      B.What         C.It            D.That

18. A.epuip    B.inform        C.acquainting    D.familiarize

19. A.to building up  B.building up  C.to build up    D. build up

20. A. affordable    B.accountable   C.available     D.acceptable

21. A.with        B.for          C.without      D.by

22. A.difficult     B.easy         C.helpful      D.useless

23. A.losing      B.lose         C.break       D.broken

24. A.well       B.better        C.good        D.best

25. A.loud       B.silent        C.intensive     D.extensive

26. A.make      B.send         C.provide      D.offer

27. A.idea       B.notion        C.comprehension D.practice

28. A.boom      B.withdraw      C.advocate     D.boost

29. A.feedback    B.information   C.news        D.knowledge

30. A.where      B.whether      C.if            D.when



Ⅲ. 阅读理解(共12题,每小题2分,共24分)


  Primary education is compulsory in Britain .It begins at five in Great Britain and four in Northern Ireland .All children have to attend primary school and gloy finish their primary education at the age of 11.In addition have to many state primary schools which don’t ask their pipits to pay fees, there are also some fee paying independent primary schools. The most famous fee paying primary school are the paratory schools which admit children from 7 to 13 years old.

  Primary schools are almost mixed sex and usually located close children’s home. Chlidren tend to be with the came group though the day and come teacher has responsibility for must of the work they do. But parents are strongly encouraged to help their children, particularly with reading and writing, and small amounts of homework are to all children after school

  Scotland has its own qualification framework that is separate from that in England, wales and Northern Ireland. After seven years of primary education and four years of compulsory secondary education, students aged 15 to 16 may take the Scottish Certificate of Education is recognized through out the UK as the equivalent to A-levels and is usually the entry qualification for university

  British universities are funded directly by central government grants. They enjoy complete academic freedom, appoint their own staff, decide which students to admit, provide their own courses and award their own degree. Admission is by selection on the basis of A-level results, school references and an interview. Higher education in Britain is not compulsory and students would have to pay fees, but the government would give students financial help if they need the help. There are some 90 universities, including the Open University in Britain. The most famous ones are Oxford and Cambridge. There is also the Open University which is “open” to all that want to continue to study, mainly adult students.

  31. The first paragraph function is___.

  A. a review B. a comment C. an introduction D. an explanation

  32. Students are expected to complete primary education at the age of ___.

  A. 11 B. 13 C. 15 D.16

  33Which of following is TRUE?

  A. It is easier for Scottish students to enter university without A-levels.

  B. Central government offers fund to British universities directly.

  C. Scottish Certificate of Education is partially recognized in the UK.

D. Scotland has the same qualification framework as othr parts of UK have.

34. We can learn from the last paragraph that___.

  A. students with financial problem are rejected by universities.

  B. Open University is available to everyone except adult students.

  C. British universities have all the rights on academic affairs.

D. British government determines the appointment of university staff.





  The authors of the studyreleased Thursday on the seventh anniversary of the sept 11 attackssaid that despite years of government efforts to enhance disaster preparednessschools need to do more to plan for disasters and parents need to be made a ware of the plans Among parents of school-age children45 percent said they do not know the location where their children would be evacuated as part of the school’s disaster plan“there should be an outer’y from parents to push their schools and their school districts to develop a plan that makes sense ”said Irwin Redlener president of the children’s health fund 

  The federal department of homeland security has allocated billions of dollars to help state and local government set up disaster contingency plans but just 44% of the us residents surveyed this year said they have all or some of the basic elements of a disaster preparedness planincluding food watera flashlight with extra batteries and a meeting place in case of evacuation

  Parents said Thursday they were not surprised by the finding that most of them would disregard evacuation orders and pick up their children  Diana Enena mother or three said ”as a momyou wouldn’t be able to keep me away from picking up my children my first instinct would be to get them at all costs I would literally run the entire distance to get themI believe most parent would feel the same

  35. what would most U.S. parents do in a disaster ?

  A. they ignored orders to reunite with their children

  B. they would try all they can to hinder the traffic

  C. they would like to help police deal with traffic congestion

  D. they blamed school for the terrible disaster preparedness plan

  36. We can learn from the second paragraph that _____________

  A. Parents care little about the disaster plan

  B.There is an outery to enlarge school districts

  C.Schools should do more in the disaster preparedness

  D.Places for children to evacuate are not known to all parents

  37. according to the text ______of the school-age children’s parents are not sure where there children will be evacuated in a disaster

  A. 44% B. 45% C. 63% D. 66%

  38. It can be inferred from the text that _____________

  A . reasonable plans for disasters should be developed

  B. U.S. government has been well prepared for disasters

  C. parents are expected to take children home in a disaster

D. U.S. schools and government protect children at all costs





  Everyone agrees that innovation is key to solving the many challenges we face as a country from health care to education to the environment, and is fundamental to restoring economic growth and prosperity. But I would put it a slightly different way. We must find a way to rebuild the “innovation infra structure” in this county

  The problem is not that Americans aren’t as inherently innovative as ever-we are. And the level of interest among Americans in the process of innovation-determining the best recipes to make it happen-has been skyrocketing over the past few years. For example, the number of times the word “innovation” appeared in Google news stores has increased by approximately five from Obama’s inauguration to today. Google the term “innovation” and you’ll get 342 million hits, approximately half the 676 million hits that “Obama” generates. And according to hash tags org. Innovate is trending about the same rate as deficit

  Our problem is that the system is failing our citizens. The “seed corn” of innovation-creative ideas fundamental rate it was before. Viable “seed corn” requires an innovation infrastructure in which bright minds are provided the resources and freedom to create and invent according to their passions and curiosities, to take bold risks, and even to fail. Such an innovation infra structure thrived in the U.S. In the late 20th century as a collaboration that put Americans on the moon, and to the personal computer, the Internet, and the era of genomic medicine.

  Americans are ready and willing to embrace the goal of once again leading the world in innovation. This could be the moon shot for the next decade that unifies our country. However, we are at a tremendous disadvantage unless the innovation infrastructure of this country is rebuilt. This requires a new collaboration among government, industry and academia-one that is suited to the challenges and opportunities of the digital age, and that restores the bold risk taking and action orientation of earlier times

  39. According to the author, innovation in American has(   )

  A. Gone completely lost nowadays B. Been weakened gradually

  D. Been taken back in Obama’s day D. Come to a turning point

  40What can we get from hash tags org’s findings?(   )

  A. Innovation will finally drag the development of economy.

  B. People show the same concern in innovation as that in deficit.

  C. Innovation can arouse more interest in people than Obama can.

  D. Obama has to focus on rebuilding Americans tradition in innovation.

  41. Today’s structures of innovation need to be rebuilt because .(   )

  A. Americans have lost interest in innovation during the past years.

  B. Too many risky ideas have destroyed people’s Confidence in innovation

  C. Institutions ,government and business cannot cooperate effectively as before.

  D. The essential elements of innovation have lost it’s energy for development.

  42. The main content of the text can be summarized as (   )

    A. The main problem about innovation and the solution.

  B. The optimistic aspects of the development of innovation.

C. The analysis o the advantages and disadvantages of innovation.

D. The pessimistic prediction of the development of innovation.



IV. 翻译(共5题,每小题2分,共10分)

  The use of laughter therapy has been in hospitals since the 1970s,(43) A doctor in the USfound that getting his patients to laugh helped them than recover better.His story was later made into movie Patch Adams,which starred Robin Williams.(44) In India,Dr.kadan kataria started a laugher club in 1995 to encourage good health.From then on,this form of therapy has spread around the world.(45)People in there groups may feel uncomfortable at first because the laugher feels forced.(46) But once they give in and fully enjoy the 4s-minute activity,they feel at ease.(47)People who take part in laugher therapy learn what scientists have known for years-laughter is the best medicine.


44. ______________________________________________________________________. 


46. _______________________________________________________________________.  

47. _______________________________________________________________________.  

Ⅴ. 书面表达(20分)

  在教师专业发展中有着重要作用,请你以“The important of life-long learning to a teacher”为题,谈下自己的体会和看法。


The important of life-long learning to a teacher

 Ⅵ. 教学设计(20分)


  Doctor cook driver

  Famer nurce

  一个小孩子说:“What’s your father’s job?”

“My father’s job is a doctor” 另一个小孩子说

VII. 教学案例分析(16分)



  John:Mum ,I have a new friend.

  Mum:Really?A Chinese friend?

  John:Yes,he’s very friendly.

  Mum:Wht’s his name?

  John:His name is Zhangpeng.Look!He’s tall an strong.

  Mum:Yeshe is

  教师展示课文图片并提问:How many people do you see in the picture? Who ary they? What are they talking about?

  播放对话视频让学生回答一个简答的问题:What’t John’s friend’s name?





  2学生根据图表中关键词复述Zhang Peng的信息:Zhang Peng is a Chinese boy: He’s strong . He’s friendly.

  3听录音,学生进行pair work,分角色朗读对话。

  4谈论喜爱的电视节目人物:根据PPT呈现的节目中五个孩子形象,教师先示范描述:I like kimi best. He’s short and thin. He’s friendly. 学生描述喜欢的人物,鼓励学生用更多的词汇表达,并把印有节目中五个孩子的小卡片作为奖励。






